Friday, March 28, 2008

Religious idiots let daughter Wisconsin!

Wowsers - Wisconsin has this crazy, archaic law. So if you're deluded enough to think that the imaginary magic man in the sky will help your children through direct "divine" intervention, you can let them slowly die horribly...and that's okay.

I thought this was 2008. I thought we, as a society, had agreed to protect our children.

I have ranted about this elsewhere, and I think I'm just sad and burnt out now. Just....damn. If I believed in hell, I sure know who'd be going.


Lisa said...

I know! That makes me crazy too! Such a senseless loss of a young life. And her parents won't be held accountable so they can do it again.

Kathy Kathy Kathy said...

Idiots, asses, stupid, stupid, stupid, evil sadist murderers. How?