Sunday, March 23, 2008

6 - 8" of spring

Blargh! Snow again! I suppose all the Easter eggs need to stay white so we can hide them in the snow. It's so nice to have an extra hour of daylight so we can stare at the snow longer.

Can you tell that I am sick of winter?

I'm also sick of studying and anticipating the neonatal boards...everything else is piling up on my desk. The review book puts me instantly to sleep (good to remember if I ever have insomnia again). And of course, stuff keeps cropping up that simple must be done right now.

Thank goodness this is my last on-call weekend before the boards: I've had 6 admissions. Sometimes the NICU feels like a Roach Motel: they check in, and they don't check out. Since your average 34-weeker stays a week or so, 6 admissions can really fill the place up for a while! I did discharge one today, but I'm still up 5! Tomorrow I get to hand it all off. Ahhhhh.

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