Sunday, March 16, 2008

Ravelry as enabler (no, really?!?)

Blackberry hills, originally uploaded by iron knitter.

Getting all (ha!) my stash into Ravelry has enabled me to wallow in my yarn, revel in it, and find stuff I forgot I had! Ican do this for hours and hours....I've got my the preschooler fetching me yarn. She counts, she practices her colors: it's educational, right?

Speaking of education, there's a referendum here in La Crosse about whether to spend more money on the schools. The school buildings themselves, mind you. Like the one with the 69-year-old boiler. I can't believe there are those out there who would begrudge a small (about $55 per $100,000 house value) tax increase to make safety updates on the schools. It's more involved that that, but essentially the opposition comes across as saying something on the order of, "I want good schools but I don't want to pay for it." DUH. End rant.

On another front, I tried to slice off the tip of my left thumb while cooking dinner Saturday evening. I have a nasty flap thing going on, and tomorrow morning's scrubbing in the NICU is going to be interesting to say the least. I'm thinking Steri-strips and a Tegederm. Right now I am making do with knuckle BandAids (because all the fingertip ones were already gone, I wonder why?).

Might buy a fishtank, been kicking it around. Photos later if so.

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