I had a great time KIPping at the Viroqua Farmer's Market, and then at Ewetopia Fiber Shop (with a nice leisurely lunch in between with CathyCate from Ravelry). I'm afraid I didn't bring a camera (yes, a blogger's faux pas). I only bought one ball of handdyed sock yarn, plus a nifty magnetic board so I can more easily find my place while I knit The Cover Sweater (see earlier posts). Sweet.
In other news, after seeing that KnitPicks is now selling sock blanks, Judy, the owner of Baskets of Yarn decided to try knitting blanks on her Bond "Ultimate Sweater Machine." The Bond knits sport and heavier, so we hadn't thought to try it before...but KnitPicks knits the yarn doubled, so that the socks are identical when knit. Fingering doubled is approximately sport/DK weight. So...she tried it, and it worked! So I have (literally) dusted off my Bond (Incredible, upgraded to Ultimate, what will they call it if they ever improve it again???) and am poised to knit my own blanks. Hee hee hee!!