Sunday, May 4, 2008

Stop the world, I want to get off!

Aiee! Work, parenting, dirty house, work, work....where's the knitting?

So anyway, I was SICK for 2 weeks, including over my board exam and vacation. Miss Maddy was sick for 2 days (during which I got next to no studying done) and then I cam down with the Dreaded Cold and coughed my guts out for 2 weeks. Couldn't sleep due to cold medicine overload or coughing, take my pick. Great timing. Bleah.

Spring seems to finally have arrived in La Crosse. Damned snowstorm on April 28th. Now, to yard work! Another time suck, thanks.

Started knitting Rainbow Socks (check 'em on ) with Austermann Step (ooh, jojoba oil and aloe, yum).

Pics to follow.

Went to a patient's funeral yesterday...yep, that means a baby. Two actually, but I can't say more. I'm glad I don't have to do that very often. I really liked these parents, and I hope they stick together. I really hate funerals though, because I find all the religious pablum mouthed by the clergy to be horrible. Didn't help that the stupid priest got the babies' father's name wrong. Came home and hugged the heck out of Miss Maddy.

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