Where has the time gone????? Oh yeah, holiday prep, 2 weeks on-service, and a gazillion nights on call. Dang.
Finished a scarf for Miss Maddy and started the Penguin Pullover in the most recent issue of KnitSimple. Slogging away on my Sanpoku (BORING).
Oh, and I had my YAG laser iridotomy.
Next month I am having Visian ICL: implanted contact lenses. Evidently, if they don't first punch tiny holes with a laser in your iris, your eyeball fluid will build up and give you a form of glaucoma (increased pressure in the eye). Why am I doing this? Because I am too damn blind for Lasik, that's why. And I'm sick to death of being blind. Especially since I regularly am awakened from a sound sleep in the pitch black and have to find my glasses befre I can figure out which end is up. I have been wearing my glasses for 2 weeks now (pre-op requirement) and I'm pretty done.
Almost-4-year-old Miss Maddy is confused: is Santa real??? Mama and Daddy say no. He is pretend, and your presents come from your family and friends. We feel that the Santa thing divorces the presents from, well, money, and that learning that your parents lied to you about Santa is a possible blow to your confidence in what your parents tell you. But he's everywhere! Her daycare teachers talk him up, of course. Her friends believe. He came to daycare! What did she tell him she wanted?
A puppy.
There's a chocolate's chance in my lunchbag that she'll get a puppy. Ever. We are cat people. So much for Santa.